Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Keepsake box


  1. Hi Kris!
    I'm blog hopping for a bit this morning.. trying to see what everyone is up too. I saw these boxes on flickr too.. you did such a great job, they are both sweet. Did you see the little suitcase that I covered and decorated? You should check my blog (Probably a few posts back though) if you didnt, it turned out so cute. I also love love love the swan tag you made. well OF course I do.. you know your one of my idols! heehee!
    well must be off here! I've got a couple more stops to make then off to work I go!

  2. Kris, the boxes AND the album are gorgeous! So is the swan tag! You already know I'm a huge fan of your beautiful art! Incidentally, my best friend & I are LOVING our tiaras! We are both taking this Queen thing to the limits! LOL! (You have definitely created two monsters!) But how could we NOT feel like royalty? Your work inspires and delights!

  3. How Beautiful! Love those colors and the inside of the box as well as outside. Thanks for sharing your fabulous art! I always enjoy my visits here!

  4. I love all the detail in your work. your letters are they stickers, rub-on or do you just print your lettering because i love the letters you use.

  5. las fotos del blog son maravillosas. perdón por no escribir en inglés, ya he perdido mucha práctica. buen blog!!

  6. Kris,
    The boxes and album are beautiful! Your work is always so original and stunning, love it!
