Monday, February 11, 2008

A Valentine greeting for my front door


Jessi Nagy said...

darling miss kris
have a great week

Jan said...

Cute stuff. I love welcoming lovely things. You nailed it.

Caleen said...

I love the valentine door decoration.
so festive.. Happy Valentines Day!!

kathy said...

Oh lovely all those Kris touches -- I love it . I need your inspirations to make me get up from surfing blogs to actually create something - Kathy _ GA

AmyB said...

A most welcoming arrangement. It will make all who see it smile! -Amy Bauer

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

So Lovely!
Happy Valentine's Week!

Veronica said...

Oh Kris
it is beautiful I love the door decoration.
And I still love love love my banner!!

vivian said...

oh Kris! this is so adorable!! YOur so talented!!

Unknown said...

I was just browsing some vintage memorabilia type blogs and happened on your beautiful valentines greeting. That is just gorgeous!