Sunday, June 29, 2008

Halloween already!!

Yes, I know, but I came across these vintage dolls and they just couldn't wait to become little witches!!!

15 comments: said...

They are beautiful!! Great work! Angelina

Attic Rat said...

Halloween is so FUN!! I can't wait. I like what you created. There is a little witch in all of us LOL. - Teresa

Anonymous said...

I check your blog and thought I'd introduce myself.
I LOVE the Halloween art! The cone is fantastic...I like how you worked in the tickets.

Alison Gibbs said...

They look fabulous.

Alexandra said...

This is a wonderful Halloween cone!

Caleen said...

Love what you did with the dolls.. Never to early to start on Halloween stuff.. You are always an inspiration to me.. :)

Anita said...

So adorable! I saw the little witches and had to double check the date to make sure it wasn't an old post! Too funny... Makes me excited about fall again - already!

kathy said...

Love your new Halloween creations
Hope all is well with you and Joann -- Have a fgreat Independence day !! Kathy - GA

pammyjo said...

Absolutely wonderful. You are so creative. I just found your blog from another. How inspiring and creative. Super talent, will watch for more inpiration.
I too, am in the Halloween spirit. It has just overwhelmed me lately.
Again, wonderful site!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!
Denise Fontaine Nantasket Beach Mass

Kai said...

Ooooooh! Wayyyy too cute, Kris! I'm READY to trick or treat now!

shauna said...

I LOVE your witch cones! Where did you get those fantastic witch tickets?!!! Those are so cool! I don't think it's too early to start on Halloween items (or Christmas for that matter!) because I love making holiday things and because I know how quickly the time goes once a holiday is near. I swear, I think from Sept. through Dec. we go into some kind of ultra speed time warp! LOL! I'm enjoying your blog and have bookmarked it.

My Vintage Studio said...

Great piece! Love how you made your doll a witch.

Sandy said...

I love that you have a jump on the holidays! My new banner is up and it is gorgeous perfect! Pop over and see!!!! Thanks so very much, LOVE IT!

Sadie Lou said...

It's never too early for special holidays, in my humble opinion.
These are fabulous! Love your attention to details!
~Sadie Lou